Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The return of Lightning McQueen

Yesterday was a much better day than Friday. Evan went right into his classroom and sat down, so he earned his Jibbit back. For the record, it was Sally (the girl car from Cars) that I took from him Friday and returned on Monday. Not Lightning McQueen. I had to leave something else to threaten that was nearer and dearer to his heart than what I originally confiscated. Anyway, we took Sally with us to school yesterday, and as soon as Evan sat in his chair like a big boy, I took his shoe off and returned the beloved Jibbit. Today... well, today was not bad, but it was not as easy as yesterday because there was no instant gratification (a.k.a: bribe) for cooperating. Sigh. Corin and I are still learning what works and what doesn't as we muddle through figuring out this parent thing.

This afternoon was a lovely afternoon. I have figured out that the period between 2:30 (when school gets out) and 7 p.m. (when Corin gets home from work) is just too long to leave unstructured. So, today we went to the pool. The kids were great. We showered them off before we left and put on dry clothes, so I was able to immediately start cooking supper when we got home. And, they were tired enough to sit in front of an hour-long episode of Diego and just let me cook in peace. We need more afternoons like this one. Must find more free after school activities....

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