Sunday, August 3, 2008

Aren't weekends supposed to be relaxing?

We have had another busy weekend. Yesterday morning we were sitting around discussing what we should do before the birthday party we were all going to at 4pm. For some insane reason, we thought that climbing Stone Mountain sounded like a fun family activity. Those of you who know me well will realize that I really must have been having a moment of insanity to agree to that, but it was all in the name of my new pledge to live a healthier lifestyle. (I'm also eating salads almost daily, which is a stretch for me, but that is a story for another day.) Anyway, we left the house shortly after 11am and headed to the park. On the way, the temperature reading in the car said it was 91 degrees outside. Lovely. But we pressed on. Surprisingly, we made it to the top without incident. Pressley mostly rode on Corin's shoulders. Evan and I walked all by ourselves without being carried at all and with very little complaining. I don't know if that was a bigger feat for him or me. I was very proud of both of us, but he was the only one who earned a diet coke for the accomplishment. I had packed a picnic lunch for us to eat at the top of the mountain (which Corin also carried...thank goodness I married a pack mule). It was a lovely picnic even though it was hot as hades, I sat in a bed of fire ants, and Evan fretted the whole time that his sandwich would fall off his plate and roll off the mountain. We really did have a very good time despite the heat. We made it down safely without any of us (and by that I mean me) injuring ourselves and having to be rescued. We will definitely do it again, but I vote we wait until fall.

When we got home, we had just enough time to strip off our sweat-soaked clothes, shower off and go to the birthday party. The party was just down the street and also outside. It was a fun party, but since Corin and I had dinner plans (an honest-to-goodness-grown-up-night-out), two hours later we were once again stripping off sweat-soaked clothes to take a quick shower and get ready for dinner. It was worth it though. We had a lovely time with Shay, James, Stephanie, and Jason. It is always good to have a conversation without having to stop 6 times to say, "Honey, you'll have to wait your turn. Can't you see that mommy is talking?"

Today was church and another birthday party, naps (well, attempted naps anyway), and then the pool. Aren't weekends supposed to be relaxing?

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