Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aqua Fit

When I joined the gym, the guy that signed me up told me that they have this fabulous Aqua Fit class. I asked if the class was mostly comprised of elderly ladies and told him that my previous experience with water aerobics led me to believe that this demographic would be widely represented. He told me that the instructor is so good that people of all ages and fitness levels attend the Aqua Fit class. He lied. There were exactly 3 0f us under 40 this morning. Old ladies aside, I liked the class. The instructor was good: not an old lady and super-fit. I found the class to be one of those things that you can tailor to your fitness level - not that my fitness level is ALL that superior to the old ladies, but I did keep up a lot better than most (OK, all) of them, if I do say so myself. I think I'll go back next week. After running/walking on the treadmills with the Barbie and Ken dolls who have their machines set at 6.8 while mine is set somewhere between 3.2 and 3.8, this was a much-needed fitness ego boost. I don't know why, but the Barbies and Kens always seem to choose the machines right beside mine. I always select a nice isolated treadmill with no one on either side so I can sweat and suffer in peace and solitude. The next thing you know, here comes some chick in short shorts, a jog bra, and a blond ponytail to sprint right beside me (in my yoga pants and baggy t-shirt). Why do they do that?

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