Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What the heck is the point of a swim diaper??

Warning: For those of you who do not have kids under the age of six, you might want to hit the back button on your browser and check back another day. If you do choose to keep reading, I'll try not to make it too graphic. As for my friend Shay, she should feel right at home since her blog is all about her child's bodily functions....

So, we've been spending a lot of time with my sister and her kids this summer. Since Beth is a teacher, she and Will and Abby are free for the summer to play with us. One of the things we've been doing is taking in the free weekday movies at the Mall of Georgia. Don't ask me if I have calculated how much these free movies are costing me in gas at $4 a gallon to get all the way up to the Mall of GA. I have indeed done the calculation and I am blocking it from my mind. The point of these outings is more about getting out of the house and spending time with cousins than about getting something for nothing. I'm just glad I don't have to pay for the movie on top of the gas it takes to get there. Anyhow, we went to one of these movies this morning and I thought it would be fun to throw the kids' bathing suits in the car so that after lunch we could let the kids play in the fountains outside the food court. (For those of you not familiar with the Mall of GA, this is an acceptable summer activity. We did not get chased away by mall security.) I'm guessing from that if you read the title of this entry, you are starting to see where this is headed. Pressley, ahem, made a deposit in her swim diaper. I was not aware of this until it was time to go. When I scooped my child up in the mostly-white beach towel I brought to dry the kids off, I smelled trouble. When I unwrapped the towel, I realized the extent of the trouble. In addition to being a gross mess, Pressley was also refusing to acknowlege that the fun was over, so to add insult to injury, I had to carry her to all the way to the car. Ick! My point is this: I don't know what a swim diaper is designed to do, but it clearly is not designed to contain all deposits. When I got home, I had not choice but to strip all of her clothes off (and mine) and throw everything into a hot, bleachy washing machine and hope for better luck next time.

Well, if you have stuck with me through all of that, I'll reward you with a cute Pressley story to get that mental picture out of your mind and replace it with another. Before said fountain incident, the movie of the day was Alvin and the Chipmunks. Though we have seen it a thousand times at home, we saw it for the first time in the theater. While Pressley was still paying attention, there was a scene where one of the chipmunks jumps onto Dave's forehead and they spin around in a big physical comedy gag. All the kids in the theater were hooting, of course. Pressley began chuckling when she heard everyone else laughing and then looked up at me with a big smile and said "That's funny, Mommy." I'm not sure she knew what was funny about it, but she was having a good time, and that is all that matters. (I'm also not sure that the story is funny in print becuase half of what made it so cute was the way she said it. But, I wanted to end on a less disgusting note, so you got the story whether it is funny or not.)

1 comment:

Shay-Zee said...

Marie small poops 3-4 times per day so we haven't had this experience, but I will look forward to sharing it with everyone I love when we do.
See? I can even write about Marie's poops on someone else's blog!