Friday, July 18, 2008

The party's over (almost)

My kids are down for their naps and Beth's are outside having their pictures made by the family photographer, so it is quiet here for a brief moment. The extended family is headed home tomorrow and my family is moving to the Marriot for a few more days since Corin missed the first part of the week. As much as I love being with the whole family, I will be glad to have a somewhat calmer few days. The cousins love each other to death, but the longer they are all together, the more they act like siblings -- and not in a good way. We have had a ball. The weather has been great until Corin got here. It rained most of the day yesterday and off and on today. Yesterday, Corin, Beth, and I took the kids to a jumping place just off the island. They thoroughly enjoyed it. I took a bunch of photos that I will try to post later. Today we managed to get about 45 minutes at the beach this morning and about 2 hours this afternoon, as well as a little time at the pool.

This will be my last entry until after we get home. I've been using my dad's laptop, so I'll be offline for a few days now. We'll be back on Wednesday, so look for new photos on Thursday.

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