Monday, July 28, 2008

I never heard of a child getting shingles!

Sorry it has been a while since I've updated. I get quite annoyed when I go blog-stalking and my friends have not posted anything new, so I really have no excuse for my own neglect. We have been very busy since we got back from vacation. The biggest news is that Evan has shingles. We noticed a spot under his arm when we were on vacation that looked like something had rubbed him raw and then scabbed over a bit, but we really didn't think much of it. Then, on Friday morning when he complained about his side itching or hurting, I looked under his arm at the "spot" on his trunk and that original blister, for lack of a better term, was surrounded by about 12-15 more, smaller spots. I called my mom to ask her if she had ever seen or heard of such a thing and she had not. We spent the better part of the day on Friday with mom, Beth, Will and Abby at the pool. Friday night, I showed the new "blisters" to Corin, who thought we ought to take Evan to the doctor in the event these spots were the result of a spider bite. So, on Saturday morning while I was birthday gift shopping, Corin to Evan to the pediatrician. Diagnosis: shingles. Seriously?? I said the same thing everyone who has heard this story has said...."Shingles? I have never heard of a child getting shingles!" Some internet research has revealed the following: 1) Shingles are not all that uncommon in children; 2) adults who have had chicken pox are supposedly immune; 3) the condition is only contagious to those who have not had chicken pox and who actually touch the rash (in other words, it is not an airborne thing). So, we have kept Evan from swimming, but other than that, life has been business as usual. We just make sure he keeps his shirt on.

Pressley is still full-on in the throes of the terrible twos. One minute she melts our hearts and the next minute she tries our patience, but I guess that is to be expected. I am certain there are cute Pressley stories to be told, but I'm just drawing a blank right now. I do have a cute Evan story from the beach that I just have not had a chance to type before now. We'll title it "out of the mouths of babes, part II":

Usually Corin bathes the kids, whether in the tub or in the shower. One night while we were on vacation, it just seemed to make sense for me to bathe the kids in the shower with me. So, I had Pressley on my hip trying to get her hair rinsed out under the shower head and Evan was behind us. Suddenly, out of the blue, he says (very matter-of-factly), "Mommy. You have a big bottom." Well, true enough. I learned two important lessons from this experience: 1) it is time to get back with the program on Weight Watchers, and 2) Evan is too old (and too honest) to see me naked. Must invest in a good robe and go back to letting Corin bathe the kids.

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