Friday, August 7, 2009

No photos; just some reflection

I know I have been absent for a while. Our home internet went out sometime late last week and then we went to the Laser Show at Stone Mountain with our Sunday school class....there was a torrential downpour, the cooler was re-packed hastily, outside pocket left unzipped, and... the camera and Blackberry ended up sitting in a half inch of water for a bit too long. So, I have been completely cut off from the world (apart from my home phone) for nearly a week.

I'm back now and have a lot to report. We've had lots of fun since the Six Flags trip, including a trip to the children's' museum and a water park (both in Gainseville), a fun play date with sweet friends who have moved to Acworth, my dad's birthday, etc. But, I'll have to save all that til later. Because today was a big day all its own.

You see, Evan (my sweet baby boy; my first-born child) is starting kindergarten on Monday. So, today was our last day of summer. We got up this morning and went to our local park to meet up with several of the seven kids from our street who will also be starting kindergarten on Monday. The moms have been talking about getting the kids together for a while. Some will be in the same classes, and even though Evan will not be in the same class with any of the kids on the street, several of them will ride the bus together. It was a good introduction. A couple of the moms brought bagels and fruit, so we stood around and talked while the kids got to know each other. It did not take long. By the end of an hour and a half, they were all playing together like old friends. It was sweet.

This afternoon was open house. It was WILD. I had no idea. We met Evan's new teacher, joined the PTA, bought school supplies (supporting our first PTA fundraiser), found out which bus Evan would ride, and so forth. Please let me point out that I was completely emotionally stable through the whole thing. Monday may be a completely different story, but today I was all business. (If I'm being completely honest, the scene was much too chaotic to be a hallmark moment. It would have been like getting all misty-eyed in the farmer's market on the Saturday before Christmas. Just no time or space for such nonsense.)

I am really looking forward to being a part of the elementary school community. But, I know you've heard it before - and you'll likely hear it again on Monday, I still can't believe I have a kid entering elementary school. Didn't I just bring the child home from the hospital?? I must say, it makes me all the more glad that I made the decision to take some time off from my career to enjoy my kids. I have thoroughly enjoyed our past two summers together and wouldn't trade them for the world. I am so blessed.

Yall have a good night. Me, I'm going to sit here and watch the time fly by....

1 comment:

The Rambling Blogger said...

hope you are doing okay today. my boss sends hers off soon too...