Monday, August 31, 2009

Another milestone

I finally got brave enough to let Evan have his first sleepover this past weekend. I don't know why it seemed like such a big deal to me, but it was a thing I was trying to put off as long as possible. As it turned out, it wasn't so bad. And, I dove in head first. Not only did I invite Evan's friend who lives down the street, but also his little sister who is Pressley's BFF. I figured it might actually be easier if Pressley had a friend too so she wouldn't just be subjected to abuse all evening and into the following morning.

The kids were good - just a little LOUD and a lot ACTIVE. Pressley's buddy told me at 8:30 (in the middle of Cinderella) that she was ready to go to bed. So, I put the girls to bed at 8:30. Little did I know that they would be up for the next TWO hours playing and giggling. Poor little thing has a broken foot and was wearing a walking boot when she arrived at our house. Her mom told me I could take it off at bedtime. I did as I was instructed, but was horrified to find the girls jumping on the bed - sans walking boot - around 9:30. What a bad host I turned out to be!

The boys, on the other hand, stayed up an hour and a half later. They finished their movie, played Wii, etc. and didn't go to bed until 10. But they were both asleep before the girls. And up and rarin' to go early the next morning.

All in all, it was a fun time and we'll definitely do it again.

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