Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Flags, More Fun

The last thing I want to do right now is blog. I am POOPED and I have a headache that is running down into the back of my neck. But...we had a fun day today, and we are planning another fun one tomorrow, so I fear if I don't blog about it now, it will get overlooked and I will not preserve the memory. So, here I go.

Today was Evan's first trip to Six Flags. My sister had some free tickets from her kids' reading program at school, so she invited us to join them. I agonized over the decision to go on a day that Pressley would be in school. I just felt so guilty leaving her out of the fun, but she is too short to ride a lot of the rides, and I was just afraid that my sitting out would mean that some of the older kids would not have an adult to ride with and may miss out, and so I finally decided to just take Evan. It was the right decision. As much as I missed her and thought about her all day, some of my thoughts went like this: "Oh, Pressley would have never tolerated this line." or "Lil' P would have been completely freaked out by that Monster Mansion ride." or other similar thoughts. My sweet parents agreed to pick P up from school to alleviate some of my guilt. They took her for ice cream, let her play at their house, and then took her to dinner before returning her to me. They are the best! I appreciate all they do for me and my kids so much.

Meanwhile, Evan had a ball! He loves doing all things cousin-related, so that was just the icing on the cake. This was the look on his face when we finished his first-ever roller coaster ride: The Dahlonega Mine Train.... Pure Joy!

Here are the kids on the little truck ride in Bugs Bunny Land. It was a little young for them, but they didn't care.

Here, the boys are riding something of a mini-free-fall type thing, only it didn't really fall very far or very fast.

Finally, here are David and I with the boys on the log ride. Yup, it is still there....

It was a great day. We didn't get to cover nearly as much ground as we would have liked, but the kids had a blast and none of us melted in the heat, so I'm calling it a success.

Tomorrow, we are off to check out some new water park up in Gainesville with Beth and the kids. We're trying to pack in the last bits of cousin fun we possibly can before Beth goes back to pre-planning next week. Me - I'm going to need some naps next week.

As always, more photos under July 09 tab. Nitey, nite!

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