Friday, October 10, 2008

Stupidity Fee

So, I finally figured out what it going to take to correct the mistake of ordering regular box springs instead of low-profile box springs for Evan's bed. $100 bucks. A $50 re-stocking fee plus another $50 delivery charge. Outrageous! I find this whole thing frustrating and insulting, but here's what I choose to take from the situation: I should just be grateful there is not such an egregious (monetary) penalty every time I make an error in judgment. We'd be in poor house.

But, we couldn't leave it like this, could we?!?

The good news is that the swap is supposed to take place between 9 and noon tomorrow, and then, knock on wood, the whole ordeal should be over. Well, the mattress part of the whole ordeal anyway... The other good news is that his bedding arrived today. I love it and he loves it, which is definitely a win/win since he makes a point of disagreeing with me on most everything. Stay tuned. I'll eventually change the subject back to something more interesting than our "remodel."

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