Monday, October 27, 2008

Reaping the benefits

I am finally starting to be able to enjoy the new "playroom." My sweet hubby put shelves in the closet on Saturday night and we bought a whole bunch of new bins to sort the toys into. The kids helped me (sort of) separate the toys into new categories. This afternoon, I was talking to my mom on the phone and I was able to say, "Why don't yall go play in the playroom?" I've been so looking forward to saying that. I got to unload and re-load the dishwasher in peace before coming upstairs to check on them and start another project. I think I got this idea from Jon and Kate Plus 8: I just finished taking pictures of a representative sampling of the contents of each bin, printing the photos on the printer, and then cutting them to size to put into the label slots on each of the new bins. It would be useless at this point to put labels on the bins that say "Cars", "Dress Up", "Action Figures", because the intended cleaner uppers and sorters cannot read. So, I thought the photos would help them help me keep things organized. We shall see. They are totally happily making a mess of the room, and my blood pressure has remained relatively unchanged. So... success! Now, if we could just get rid of the crib and changing table (, we would be all set to complete this process.

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