Sunday, April 25, 2010

Annie and other inanities

The Easter Bunny brought the movie "Annie" to Pressley in her Easter basket. I have been looking forward to watching the movie with the kids, even after Corin pointed out that the Easter Bunny got the 1991 version of the movie with Kathy Bates and not the original version with Carol Burnett. Corin was out tonight, so the kids and I had movie night with "Annie".

So, now I shall share my thoughts on the re-make of one of my favorite childhood movies. (I was always real mad that I didn't have red hair as a child because I thought that was all that was standing between me and my dream of playing Annie on Broadway. Little did I realize that my inability to carry a tune in a bucket at that age was likely a much bigger obstacle.)

Pros: 1) I appreciated the fact that Ms. Hannigan was not slogging away on a fifth of whiskey through most of the movie as Carol Burnett's version of the character was prone to do. That might be a little hard to explain to the kids. 2) I really appreciated the fact that this movie did not contain any scenes where the fake parents actually absconded with Annie for some period of time and chased her through a construction site, or up a ladder or across a train trestle. I really don't remember the specifics, but I remember it was high and precarious and dark and scary and always made me very uptight. And Pressley is easily made uptight about those sorts of things, so it was nice to not have her clutching me through the last 20 minutes of the movie like she did during "Up."

Cons: 1) It was not the original. 2) They omitted the "Dumb Dog" song. Helllooo.... Why would they do that? Sing it with me now... "Dumb dog. Why are you followin' me? I ain't got a crumb, dog. So how about letting me be? I ain't gonna feed you. Don't have a snack for you. HHmmm, hmmm. Dum, dum, dum, dum, for you..." OK. So, I forgot some of the words, but how will I ever re-learn them now, when the only version of the movie in my house fails to include such an important element? 3) There is no scene in the pool with young Annie sporting a bathing cap. Crying shame, really.

I could go on with the cons, but really, the re-make was pretty decent. I mean, it did still feature "Hard Knock Life" and "Never Fully Dressed without a Smile." (Have I shared too much?)

Seriously, I can't believe I just wrote a whole post on the movie "Annie." This is what insomnia the night before throwing a party for 26 four-year-olds will drive a grown woman to. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to bed and stare at the ceiling and worry about how exactly I'm supposed to cut the tiered cake that I just made to serve the maximum number of party guests. Or maybe I'll worry about how much Monkey Joe's will charge me for the 2 extra guests I might have. Or maybe I'll worry about how I've been blowing my diet all day today by eating sushi and untold nibbles of the pound cake I cut off to try to prevent the cake from being lopsided. (Totally lopsided anyway. I should have left those shavings on there and saved myself the calories.) Or how I intend to continue blowing my diet tomorrow by having a piece of pizza and a piece of cake. Or maybe I'll worry that I've become one of those people who can't just enjoy her kid's birthday without obsessing over the number of calories it may cause her to ingest.

Oh, so much to worry about and so few hours before morning....

Hey, on a positive note, now I don't have to say I wrote a whole post about "Annie." Now I can title the post, "Annie and other inanities."

See what happens when I come to the computer after my bedtime?


1 comment:

Shay-Zee said...

Are you KIDDING? I have heard you sing in church and you could totally do Tomorrow justice. (Or tomorra as Pressley and Marie would say.)