Monday, September 22, 2008

To do list:

1. Find cure for insomnia (I'm exhausted!).
2. Find happy medium between instilling enough confidence to overcome nervous tummy and instilling so much confidence that your kid thinks he's the best player on the team and better than his daddy.
3. Figure out what on earth could make a 2 year old so manic - and fix it.
4. Send thank you note to delightful wife of (stay with me) Corin's big brother from his fraternity from his freshman (and only) year at Suwanee for having us over for dinner last night.
5. Become a better (and more frequent) host.
6. Apologize to Shay - again - for stealing formatting ideas from her blog (e.g., publishing a to do list). Remind her - again - that imitation is the highest form of flattery.
7. Become more creative to eliminate need to steal clever ideas from other bloggers.

Busy week...

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