Thursday, February 18, 2010

Conversations from the backseat

On our way home from basketball practice tonight, this is what I heard:

Evan: Pressley? Pressley? Have you ever heard the story of the tortoise and the hare?

Pressley: No.

Evan: Weeellll, there was this tortoise and he was very slow. And there was this hare and he hopped really, really fast. [Exasperated.] Pressley! Shhh. This is a miracle story.

[Tells story. Well, sort of.]

Evan: Soooo, it really isn't a miracle story. It is just a weird story where the hare makes the tortoise cheat.

Tee hee. Don't worry. I set him straight. I told him the moral of the story from the hare's perspective and the moral of the story from the tortoise's perspective. But, I'm pretty sure given his reaction that he still liked his version better.

I should leave the radio off more often.

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