We all had so much fun. Not only did we get to eat pancakes and other yummy breakfast food, but the mommies got to show up in jammies too. Best...party...idea...ever. I tell you what - any party I can go to with a drawstring waistband and slippers - I'm there!
The kids had an absolute blast. You may recall that last year Pressley was not so fond of the whole Santa thing. In fact she screamed and cried and clutched at my neck for all she was worth when I tried to get close enough to have our picture made. But this year, we were prepared. We've done two Santa "drive-bys" at the mall to pick up a candy cane but not sit in Santa's lap. And we've been talking about it...a lot.
Here's what happened when Santa arrived:
Then, because there were close to thirty kids at the party, we had to wait a while to have our one-on-one time (or two-on-one, as the case may be) with Santa. The kids entertained themselves pretty well....
Then, it was finally our turn. First, a picture for mommy:
Then it was Pressley's turn to tell Santa what she wanted. Pretty much the same thing she has said at the Santa drive-bys: the make-up mirror and some make-up. (Totally appropriate for a three-year-old, don't you think?)
Then it was Evan's turn. Evan told Santa that he wants Batman legos (you know...the ones that are discontinued and selling for $160 - $600 on E-bay and we're pretty sure Santa is not going to find, I mean make, this year). And then. THEN, he gave Santa some totally new information (when I'm pretty sure I had already heard Santa say he was done shopping, I mean making all the toys). This new information was that in addition to the $600 Batman legos, he also wants some Castle legos. Since those have not been discontinued, so it looks like Santa's elves have some last minute work to do.
After all the kids who would had all sat with Santa, he then read a story. A handful of kids paid attention to the first story, but only the really faithful few book-lovers -Pressley and two other kids- stuck around for the second book (that Pressley requested).
We will have to get our lazy bones into some clothes eventually because we are celebrating Christmas tonight with GranNan and Poppy and my sister and her family since the McCarthys will start arriving tomorrow night. We will see my family again on Christmas night, but with a crowd of 20-25 at the big family gathering, we decided years ago that it was nice to have a more intimate celebration ahead of time so mom and dad can actually watch their grandkids open their gifts.
I'll be back when I can take another little break from living life to report on it. Until then, Merry week-of-Christmas!
My 6 year old is crazy for Batman Legos too! And yes, the price tag for these are outrageous at this point. Who knew there were Lego collectors out there?! The pancake breakfast and visit from Santa looks like it was a huge success. I'll be making some Batter Blaster pancakes for our gang a lot this week as things get really hectic. All the best :)
So glad you all had a great time!! Thanks for all the compliments!!! I have to say it makes my day to see the little kids having so much fun. A bonus for us too was that we were in our jammies until 5 when we had to get ready for Christmas with my dad. Hope you all have a very MERRY MERRY Christmas!!!
gotta love anything PJs friendly!
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