Thursday, May 7, 2009

OK, I'm gonna let y'all in on it

I have not mentioned this in my blog before because I wasn't entirely convinced that I would (or could) do it. But here it is. I am "running" in the Susan Koman Race for the Cure on Saturday. I have been "training" since early February. I have trained almost exclusively on a treadmill at the gym. I have run on the street exactly 3 times. The first time, I went about .7 miles. The second time, I went about 1.2. And today, I ran about 2.1. Each of those times, my total distance was about 2-1/2 miles, but I'm only counting the distance I "ran" without stopping.

I'm letting you in on this now, because I figure it will give me an added layer of motivation to keep "running" if I know that the 4 of you who read this blog on a semi-regular basis will be wondering if I did it. So, now I've committed to reporting back to you after the "race." Also, if any of you are a praying people, I would appreciate a quick prayer on Saturday morning. I know God has more important things to do, but I have been taught that God cares about the small stuff too, so perhaps you'd just offer one up on my behalf.

(Note: you have seen/will see many quotation marks in this post. I am sorry if you find that annoying, but I have many friends who are real runners...They have run half marathons - or full ones; They can run fast enough to pass an old lady with a walker; They run many many miles every week... I don't want anyone to think that I am comparing what I am trying to do with what they do. Thus, the quotation marks.) All I'm trying to do is become a bit more fit and healthy, set a good example for my kids, prove to myself that I can do this if I set my mind to it, and maybe even lose few pounds along the way. I do not intend to ever become a "runner." And, while I entertained the notion very VERY early in my "training" for this "race", I do not ever intend to run a half marathon. God bless those of you who can!

Anyway, Saturday I will attempt to run 3.2 miles without stopping. One of my friends, Shay, has graciously agreed to run it with me. Shay is not a runner per se. Perhaps she once was, but now she only runs as part of her much larger exercise regime. She is uber-fit (despite what she thinks about the size of her back-side) and a bit of a fitness fanatic (and I mean that in the nicest was possible). I say all that to say, she could run this thing in about half the time it will take me - or less - with absolutely no additional training. So it is very kind of her to agree to run with me and be my cheerleader.

Now, in the same spirit as the open letter the Bush daughters wrote to the Obama daughters when Obama took office, I shall write an open letter to Shay in preparation for the "race" on Saturday.

Dear Shay:

Just a few disclaimers, provisos, and caveats as you prepare to "run" with me on Saturday.

1) You should not expect much from me in the way of conversation other than grunts, nods, and the occasional one-word answer. Therefore, you should feel free to bring your i-pod and just look over occasionally to shout things like "You got this!" or "Just a little farther up this hill!" or "No one has ever died running 3.2 miles before!" Now, whether that last one is true or not, I will likely need to hear it sometime after the 2 mile marker since that will be the point where I am in uncharted territory if I am indeed still chugging along.

2) You should not be alarmed by the color of my face during this "race." It gets that red every time I run. Really. Every time. Even my new rosacea medicine does nothing to help the situation. It is really quite embarrassing, but that is just one of my many blessings when it comes to exercise. Perhaps someday, when I am more fit, it will get better, but I am not holding my breath...I'm certain that would not help!

3) I have already mentioned this, but please recall that I am the slowest "runner" alive. I realize that you could walk faster than I run and/or you could literally run circles around me. It will not hurt my feelings if you should decide to run circles around me just so you feel like you are getting your work-out in for the day - I suspect you will be skipping some favorite class at the gym to do this with me (for me). Just don't forget to occasionally shout the encouraging phrases - especially if an old woman with a walker passes me!

4) If I do die (Sorry Mom. I know you don't think that is funny...), tell my kids I love them and I was trying to do a good thing for them.

Thanks again for agreeing to do this with me (for me). See you Saturday!



Betty Lou said...

Amy, I'll lift a prayer on your behalf. I'm not a runner; completed the P'tree in 2000 by walking the entire course (having only found out the week before people actually WALK the P'tree). I participated (notice no mention of run) in 2 walks last Summer with friends from work who ran off & left me behind. Oh well, I finished, doing my walk thing. So, you go Girl, I'll be pulling for you from Decatur.

The Rambling Blogger said...

it is very good that you are training a bit outdoors. i ran my first and only race w/ NO outdoor training and had a lot of soreness.

good luck! you CAN do it@

ashley said...

I am very proud of you. Nick is trying to get me to run the P'tree. I have been "training" for about a month, and it's not looking good. I will be thinking good thoughts for you on Saturday!


Shay-Zee said...

Open response from Shay, from within the confines of the comment section:
**Don't underestimate the energy you will gain from the other participants.
**Conventional wisdom is that you can always run double the amount you have trained to run. Note marathon runners never actually run 26 miles in their training. I cannot attest to this wisdom because I hate running so much I've never tried it.
**There are all kinds of free goodies at the expo at the end, including your t-shirt!
**Funny you should mention running circles because my husband, who NEVER works out, does that very thing to me when we job together.
**I turn purple-faced when I run as well, as does my mother. One time she bought some scarf that had a substance in it that was icy cool and she ran with it tied around her head. I will spare you.
**I will pick you up at 7:45 and we will park at my office.
**Don't forget sunscreen.

Unknown said...

you go girl!!!!!