Saturday, May 2, 2009


I found out a while back that a friend that I used to work with at Powell Goldstein follows my blog. I was flattered. I am always flattered when I find out that someone uses a few minutes of their valuable time to read about little-ole-me and my family. Apparently, though, when said friend read my post about my Buzz cake and the Easter cake, she got an idea (maybe even - in the words of Sid the Science kid - a super dooper ooper schmooper big idea).

You see, she has this friend who is pregnant. Her friend is expecting a boy and is planning a Dr. Seuss-themed nursery (probably using the cute, cute new pottery barn kids line of Dr. Seuss linens). And thus, my friend was planning a Dr. Seuss-themed baby shower for her friend. Her problem: bakeries don't do Dr. Seuss cakes (probably for the same reason they don't do Buzz Lightyear cakes... simply not popular enough to warrant paying for the license...) So, she contacted me and asked if she could hire me to make the cake for the baby shower. I was SOOO flattered. You have no idea. So I agreed. I worried that I would disappoint her, but I agreed. In the end, I think the cake turned out pretty cute. I hope they were pleased with it. I sure did have fun making it. And, I think I am even becoming a bit more efficient.

As an aside, after my friend came to pick up the cake, Corin started doing some calculations in his head as to how many cakes I would have to make per year to replace the attorney salary I gave up a year and a half ago. I think you can guess that there are not enough weeks in the year for me to make that many cakes (though he had quite grandiose notions of my becoming quite the little cake factory). Luckily, in reality, my sweet hubby realizes that I have a much higher value to him as I stay home to raise our children (and run errands and generally make his life easier) than the value of the salary I gave up to do it. Right, honey? RIGHT??


meagan said...

Amy, we all LOVED the cake! The guest of honor almost teared up when she saw it ... and I'm pretty sure we took as many pictures of the cake as we did of the parents-to-be. It was delicious, too! We only had a little bit left over, which Eric and I have been enjoying after each meal (including breakfast ... oops). Thank you again!!!

The Rambling Blogger said...

lovely cake!