Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another reason I love my husband

I could go back and list for you all the reasons I fell in love with Corin in the first place. There were many. Those reasons evolve over time, and new reasons come into being.

When we had children, the new reasons became ever more abundant. I feel so blessed to have a husband who loves our children so completely. He not only loves them in a way that drives him to care for them and provide for them and shape them into the people we pray they will become; he loves them with a fully involved kind of love that means he enjoys playing with them. Really playing with them in a way that I've never been able to replicate.

OK. That is the back-story.

Sooo.... You may know we got some snow here in Atlanta on Christmas day. We were away during the afternoon and evening of Christmas day spending time with family, but when we returned, we had about an inch of snow on the ground. The kids had fallen sound asleep on the way home, so they didn't get to play in the snow Christmas night. But they got up the next morning and bundled up and their daddy took them to play in it. They tried a number of different sledding spots until they found the "right" one.

We had plans to have a late lunch and see a puppet show with friends, so the snow fun was limited to the morning, and everyone seemed ok with that.

Fast forward to Monday morning. Corin got up and got dressed and headed off to work, just as he had planned. He had been gone about 5 minutes when he called and asked me to put him on speaker-phone with the kids. He told them it looked like there was still some good snow/ice on the hills in Candler Park that would surely be gone once the sun came out. He asked if they would like to go sledding one more time before the snow melted and they said yes. So, while he turned his car around to drive home, I got the kids dressed and bundled.

When Corin got home, he went and put on old jeans and neatly tucked his work-appropriate button down into them. I think he also changed his shoes and then they were off.

They were gone about 45 minutes before they arrived back home. As they were stripping off their wet stuff in the garage, I heard Corin ask Lil' P... "Did you tell mommy?" "Tell mommy what?" "That I broke my finger?"


Turns out that there was an incident where the sled went airborne and my precious husband took heroic measures to ensure that the children were not dumped into the street. In the process, his middle finger was at least dislocated and maybe broken. We'll know more after his 12:30 appointment today when he has it x-rayed. It was pretty swollen this morning and he couldn't move it.

I cannot begin to comprehend what makes a grown man turn around while heading to work, come home to pick up his children, leave part of his work clothes on, go sledding on mostly melted snow, and then do something that ends up possibly breaking his finger. But it is sometimes what we least understand that makes us love the most. I don't always understand the man, but I always love and admire him.

Now, let me get back to praying that his finger isn't actually broken....

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