Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh, the preciousness

There is a disclaimer for the beginning of this post: If you read it, you must never hint to Evan that you know anything about it. I mean really.... you wouldn't want to ruin my relationship with him forever, would you? And if you do hint to him that you know about what I'm about to tell you, I will deny that I told.

Promise? Okay. Here goes.

Corin called me yesterday morning very concerned about Evan. You see, Evan had told him on the way to school yesterday morning that some girls at school had been making fun of him the day before. Corin said E wouldn't tell him what they were saying, but that one little girl was writing on his chair and the other little girl was reading what she wrote and laughing. Corin told me that he seemed pretty upset about it and I might want to see if I could talk to him about it.

Evan actually brought it up later. He told me that A__ had been writing something on the back of his chair in class and that M__ was reading it and laughing. When I asked what A__ had written, he told me (in a most disgusted tone) that she had written she loved him and M__ was laughing about it.

I tried to explain that the girls certainly were not making fun of him and that he should be flattered that A__ likes him. From the look he gave me, he clearly doesn't see it that way and loudly complained, "But, I didn't LIKE it when she said that!"

I gave him a big hug and promised him that someday he would like it when a girl says she likes him. But for now, he doesn't have to like it, but he should certainly not get upset about it since they were most definitely not making fun of him.

Bless his heart. It's not easy being the smartest, cutest, sweetest boy in the first grade. Okay, maybe I'm biased, but at least I know that A__ agrees with me.

1 comment:

Shay-Zee said...

It makes me want to vomit when I think about other kids being mean to Marie. I started sweating just reading your post. (Recently she told me that she wasn't friends with B___ anymore and I almost choked while driving the car. I have since figured out that Marie appears to have instigated this temporary break, and they are great friends again now.) I'm glad that this story had a happy ending. I wasn't ready for anythingn else.