Friday, August 6, 2010

Mad painting skills and missing teeth

Just a quick update today. I told you that after we "surprised" Daddy with Evan's finished pottery, I would try to share it with you. Turns out Daddy wasn't all that surprised since Evan had left our gecko templates lying around the house, but he was still impressed by the finished product. I was too. Check it out. I really only helped a little bit. I traced our templates on where he told me to put them. Then, Evan painted and I re-traced the template lines with black paint. I think he should be pretty proud of himself.

And, I also promised a picture of the first missing tooth. Or, more accurately, the first gap left by the first missing tooth. This is not the best picture of Evan, but it is really hard to get a photo of a gap in the bottom teeth with a pleasant look at the same time.... Ya know?

That's all I have for today. Happy weekend. I'll be back Monday (if not before) to report on the kids' first day of school. I can't believe my babies are going to be in Pre-K and First grade! I'll wait until Monday to get all sentimental and mushy.
We've already been to open house and gotten all the school supplies labeled and in Evan's desk. Now, we're off to the grocery store to stock up on lunchbox necessities.

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