Saturday, August 7, 2010

Diary of a mom of an exhibitionist

I do NOT have time to be blogging right now. We should be getting ready for my Granny's 90th birthday party since we will be leaving in less than an hour. (Happy Birthday, Granny!) But, I cannot take the chance that I will forget to write about this later.

This morning, Corin decided that he was going to embark on the project of getting Evan to ride his bike without training wheels. I know most 6 year olds can probably do that already, but our neighborhood is very hilly, and there is really nowhere for him to ride without very close supervision, so his bike time has always been fairly limited.

Anyway, while they were doing that, Pressley and I went to the grocery store (we never made it yesterday for the lunchbox essentials). A lady at Publix was handing out samples of fat free blueberry pudding. After initially passing on this offer, Pressley decided that she did want the pudding and then proceeded to nibble on the thimble-sized portion for about 20 minutes - including taking it into the car with us for the ride home. As we neared the house, she spilled some! Heaven forbid. So she began crying that she had to change her clothes. For once, this actually suited me since she needs to put on a dress for Granny's party. I told her there was nothing to be upset about because she was about to take a bath to get all clean and pretty for Granny's party.

Then, I got carried away with getting the groceries in from the car and watching Evan's bike demonstration. While standing in the shade across the alley-way from our garage and watching Evan try to learn to push off and get the bike going solo, I glanced over toward the house. And then did a double take. There stood a totally buck naked Pressley just outside the garage door in the driveway wearing nothing but a sheepish grin. Where any resident of about 10 neighboring houses could have seen her if they came out of their garages.

I began dying laughing and running back across the street. She asked me "What??" about 10 times, but I couldn't stop laughing long enough to answer her. I just shooed her back into the house and up the stairs.

I mean, seriously. What will this child think of next?

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