Monday, May 17, 2010

May I just brag on Evan some more?

Evan had his last karate test of the school year on Saturday, and he earned a second yellow stripe. That means that the next time he tests, he should become a yellow belt. He has learned so much and enjoyed himself so much in karate this year. Our last karate "hoorah" will be on Saturday, when he has his birthday party at his karate dojo. It will be fun to see him let loose and just have fun with his friends.

After the karate test, we had to hustle on over to the soccer field for the last soccer game of the season. Evan played really well...again. He has really embraced soccer this season and enjoyed it so much more than seasons past. His team had an end-of-the-season pizza party immediately following the game, and the kids all had so much fun together. The team presented the coach with a ball that they had all signed and a gift certificate to say thanks. And the coaches presented each of the players with a medal. While handing out the medals, the coaches gave Evan a little something extra.... a new nickname. They said they had decided to call Evan "en feugo" because he had been on fire for the last several games! Yay, Evan.

Well, that is all for tonight. I am tired. I'll brag later on how well both of the kids did in their preschool music program last Wednesday night and how proud I was of Evan at his first practice swim meet last night. Or maybe I'll just wait to brag after the first actual meet next week.
I will say this: I know I haven't said too much about Pressley in the last couple of posts. But, she is just as spunky as ever. She was devastated this past Sunday when I got to wear my "slippers" (which is what she calls my peep-toe heels) and she didn't have any slippers to wear to church. She pouted and fussed and fumed all morning. I told her if she would just wear her Sunday shoes or her sandals to church without further whining, I would take her shopping for some new church shoes she would love. So, she woke up this morning and wanted to put on a church dress for the shopping trip. I resisted and suggested that we save church dresses for church and find her something more comfortable for shopping. Through crocodile tears she told me, "But mommy, I don't want to be comfortable! I want to be beautiful!!" Oh, boy. Are we in for it or what?
I don't recall how I eventually prevailed, but she did wear a more suitable dress for shopping. We found a pair of shoes that she seemed to love, so I asked her if those shoes were going to make her happy next Sunday morning when I put on my "slippers." "Yes," she said. "Humongous happy."
I'll believe a drama-free Sunday morning when I see it.

1 comment:

StarrSticks said...

Just a random reader...I'm so glad that there are still some children being encuraged to take part on physical activities. Don't get me wrong... A bowl of ice cream and a Video gaming sessions is always fun! But an appropriate dose is key! I'd be brag too! - J