Monday, October 26, 2009

When did October become the busiest month of the year?

We have been insanely busy these last few weeks trying to drink up all the fall goodness around us. October is so awesome in Atlanta. The weather is great and there is so much to do, what with the hiking and the pumpkin patching (we have somehow started two different pumpkin patch traditions) and the fall festivals and the costumed Halloween festivities. It is enough to wear a young family slap out. And we're not even playing soccer this fall!

Two weekends ago we went out to Kennesaw Mountain on Sunday afternoon to "walk around." I should have known that meant "hike," but sometimes I still don't understand my hubby's lingo. It was a gorgeous day and a really nice setting. I had never been to Kennesaw Mountain before, but we'll definitely go back again. The kids had a ball and it was a nice way to spend a pretty fall day.

The kids and I have also enjoyed some beautiful fall days at the park.

Then, this past weekend was a marathon fall-fest. We headed up to Washington Farms in Watkinsville to enjoy some fall farm activities with some friends from our Sunday school class in the morning. We ate lunch with them in Watkinsville and then headed right back to the farm to meet up with some of Corin's law school friends for more fun activities for the afternoon. We watched pig races, slid down slides, took a hay ride, navigated a corn maze, the kids played in the corn crib, rode the "cow train," petted (pet?) bunnies and goats and pigs (not just any pigs), and sling-shotted mini-pumpkins (I'm sure that's the correct terminology) and shot corn cobs out of an air gun.
Did I cover everything?
I think so.

We actually got a decent photo of family as well. (It would've been better without the sunglasses and the nine year old windbreaker from my first summer associate summer at POGO, but it was bright. And cold.)

AND then, on Sunday after church and naps and the birthday party Evan attended, we made the last of the waning weekend hours by catching the tail-end of the Frazer Center fall festival. There were pony rides, bounce castles (or jumping beans as my kids call them), clowns, balloon swords, cookie decorating, trick-or-treat bag coloring, and a train ride. We did it all. No wonder I always feel like I need a nap by the time Monday rolls around.

There are many, many more pictures in the October 09 album.

Stay tuned for pictures of our neighborhood pumpkin carving party, trick-or-treating at Corin's office, and of course, Halloween itself. Bring on a slow November so we can recuperate before the Christmas festivities begin!

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