Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tiny treasures

I've finally learned to blog from my iPhone. So there may be some more frequent, albeit much shorter, posts from time to time. 

Corin is making noise again about less tv for the kids. Which I totally agree with in theory. But rainy days are hard. 

Good grief they can be hard. 

Today the children were bouncing off the walls - both figuratively and sadly literally. With a trip to the ER a near certainty, I decided back the car out and to send them out into the garage to ride their bikes. That lasted a short while and then they found the boxes that I never unpacked after my last day of work -- nearly 2 years ago. They came in with my Piedmont Hospital mug that I used to drink my water out of, but that is now filled with all the little knick knacks that used to sit on the bookcases in my office. 

Pressley cradled them tenderly and said, "Mommy!  Where did you get all these treasures?!"  The treasures are an odd assortment of souveniers that co-workers brought back from their travels and client "souveniers" that I collected over time - like my Orkin man bobble head doll and my mini Air Products truck. Treasures indeed. 

Almost makes me miss working outside the home. Almost. Well, not really. But it did bring a smile. And made me miss some of my old co-workers. That's all.  

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