Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Break....Woo Hoo!!

I had the most delightful blog entry all typed out on Sunday night using my mom's laptop, which has the MOST annoying touch pad mouse EVER. I uploaded the photos below, cut the text to paste it above the photos.... and...lost....everything. I really almost cried. I was SO tired typing it. I was SO frustrated with the dern mouse that kept jumping the cursor up into weird places in the preceding paragraph. I literally have not recovered until now. I'll try to re-create what I can:

The kids are on spring break this week. (yes, they are only 2 and 4, but day care is closed for spring break. Don't get me started.) In a continuing effort to be more fiscally responsible, Corin and I had decided we would not take a trip for spring break this year. Let me re-phrase that... Corin decided and I agreed to quit whining about it. See, for the past three years, starting with a fantastic "babymoon" in Miami while I was pregnant with Pressley, we have been able to take a trip to the beach during the spring. Call me spoiled. I got used to this tradition rather quickly, being part beach bum and all. Corin and I disagree about how good I've been about the not whining. I will tell you though, I had totally given up on the idea of a spring break trip to the beach. To console myself, I decided to take advantage of a standing invitation to go visit my dare-I-say-favorite-aunt-and-uncle who have a beautiful house up on beautiful Lake Hartwell. As an added bonus, my cousin was going to be there with her 3-1/2 month old cute-as-can-be-baby, Michael. Really, one night there was all I needed to get over the whole beach deprivation thing.

But, then, on the way there, my sister called. She and her kids are also on spring break this week. She and her husband had also decided no spring break trip, but the more she thought about a whole week at home with no agenda, the more anxious she became. So, she decided she'd try to cook up a trip. I very sheepishly asked Corin if he thought there was any budget for a short trip with my sister and her kids (just the girls, our mom, and the kids). He said he thought there was a little. With a heavy emphasis on little.

So, we sprang into action. Mountains? Hilton Head? Florida? What to do, what to do? We didn't have much time or money, so our plan was slow to evolve. The conversation continued after we arrived at my aunt and uncle's lake place and after overhearing some of our discussions, they offered to let the whole lot of us stay there for the week. It was a very generous offer, and after satisfying ourselves that they didn't just let that slip out and then wish they could take it back, we accepted. So, Corin left on Sunday afternoon as originally planned (and packed us a bag and ran it over to my mom's house), but the kids and I stayed to welcome mom, Beth and the kids on Sunday night.

It was all such a delightful surprise. Corin and I had a lot of fun with Lynn and Art and Melissa (and baby Michael) over the weekend. It was simply icing on the cake to get to stay for 3 extra days and get some quality time with mom, Beth, Abby and Will. I've included a few pictures below, but there are many more (as usual) under the album tab. Just click April 09.

Sweet baby Michael patiently letting Lynn and I bathe him in the sink.

Pressley in the "hot bath tub" (as she called it)

Evan exploring under the jet ski cover

Both kids headed down to the dock to feed the fish (though we never actually saw any fish)

1 comment:

Betty Lou said...

My goodness, Evan looks so big all of a sudden, from that last lake photo! I guess that's b/c he's almost 5.