Thursday, January 8, 2009

Potty Training H-E-double-hockey-sticks

Pressley was supposed to start potty training at school in January. I'm trying to get on board with this whole idea. The Frazer Center basically trained Evan for us, but since Pressley is only there two days a week, I'm going to have to do more than just the pee-pee laundry this time around. So, when she came home from school today, I decided to put her in big-girl-panties. Then I followed her around the house with a beach towel making sure she didn't sit on any furniture. While I was on the phone with my mom, she came into the living room to play. Shortly, she went back into the other room and came back with the beach towel. She proceeded to lay out the beach towel on the hardwood floor in front of the fireplace, apparently with a plan to stand on it. Before she could stand on it, she stared fussing. "I peed! I peed!" So, we ran into the bathroom and cleaned her up, put on a new pair of panties, and got a new beach towel. It suddenly dawned on me that perhaps she knew she was about to pee and was trying to pee on the towel. Am I training a puppy or a toddler? I don't know. I'm just askin'. When asked, she said that was indeed what she was trying to do, but she often humors me by agreeing with me when she doesn't really know what she is agreeing to.

We've just had our third accident since 3 o'clock. (No further attempts at peeing on the towel, though, which makes me think that was a coincidence.) I'm thinking maybe we're not really ready for this, but I want to give it a fair shot. I keep thinking that eventually something will click and she will figure out that there is a more pleasant way to go about this than peeing in her panties every time. If not soon, we shall put away the panties for another day. And when I say another day, I mean another week... or month... or more.

Update: The above entry was typed around 7ish. As I was finishing it up, Lil' P. had her fourth accident. This time not just pee. I think we're done with this little potty experiment. We'll just send her to college in a pull-up.

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