Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A tea party with Lil' P

Pressley and I were having a delightful tea party on her bed. She grabbed a big princess jewel and explained that this was our jewel for the party. Then she said,

"And if robbers come and steal our jewel, maybe I will have to leave and chase them. And kill them. And then...we can come back and start our party. [Long pause.] But that is [nervous laughter] not appropriate for children."

And then later...

[Posing.] "Do I look pretty, mommy?"

Me: "Yes, Pressley. You always look pretty."

"Good. Then maybe the white power ranger will see me and think I'm pretty and then he will want to fight me."

Me: "He's going to fight you because you're pretty?"


Okey-dokey. Is that kinda like that old commercial where the woman says, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."? Who knows?

Just another conversation in the life of a child who cannot seem to separate fantasy from reality. I wish I lived in her head...

1 comment:

Citizen Dane said...

Forgive me, I really liked this post but I had to read 'white power ranger' a few times before I understood that it was not a white supremacist picking a fight with your daughter.