Friday, June 27, 2008


VBS is over at last. And I am exhausted. Don't get me wrong... VBS is a wonderful thing: introducing children to God's love at an early age, giving tired mommies 5 mornings off in a row (unless those mommies are crazy enough to agree to be a lead teacher in a pre-school classroom during said VBS), showing kids a great time... all very good things. But I am spent. And my kids are grumpy. They had a wonderfully fun week, but they are spent as well. As such, I have looked forward to nothing more than the awesome and rejuvenating nap I would get this afternoon after a week of gaining a new appreciation for pre-school teachers who do this stuff all day every day. But, no such luck. We got home from the teacher appreciation lunch and cleaning up my classroom around 3 p.m. Evan - who told me in no uncertain terms on the way home that he does NOT like long naps and would not take one - fell asleep in record time after I put him down shortly after 3. Pressley, on the other hand, fell asleep in the car when we were less than 3 miles from home. Lovely. Though I thought I could move her to her crib without waking her, that was not in the cards either. She woke up, and it would be another hour and a half before the alternating singing and crying would stop and she would finally succumb to the much needed nap as I stood over her crib stroking her. Needless to say, I did not get my nap, even though both of my precious angels are still sleeping as I type. Very disappointing. You would think that the Lord would have mercy on his servant who spent all week showing His love to some very active 3 year olds by letting me have my nap. But, alas, we all know that the Lord works in mysterious ways.

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