Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The pizza man cometh

Corin has been working virtually around the clock for over a week now. He basically comes home to sleep for 6 hours and then showers and leaves again. So, I have been a "single mom" for several days now. I've said it before and I'll say it again... those of you who are really single moms... I don't know how you do it. Anyway, my girlfriends and I were planning to meet for dinner, and at some point during the planning, I mentioned that I was in as long as I could find a baby sitter. My sweet friend Shay, trying to be helpful, suggested that they could pick up food and bring it to my house after the kids went to bed so I wouldn't have to hire a sitter. But - and I know this makes me sound like a bad mommy - I decided I would rather pay a baby sitter to have a night off from the bedtime routine, which is not the easiest time of my day to say the least. (I promise I'm getting to the part where the title of this blog entry will make sense. Here it comes...)

As is my custom when we have a baby sitter at the house, I ordered a pizza for the kids and the sitter. When the pizza guy got here with the pizza, the kids were very excited and stood right under foot as I paid for the pizza - as is their custom. You have to get a mental picture of this pizza guy for the rest of the story to be amusing... very burly, very tough-looking, and had a pony tail. So, he turns to leave and Pressley shouts (flapping her little hand in a waving motion as fast as it would go) "Bye! [pause] Bye, bye! [pause] See you laters... al-gigator. " The guy sort of half turns around like he's not sure he heard correctly and and then just shakes his head, chuckling as he walks back to his car. I'm guessing he doesn't get that kind of send-off at every house he visits.

As frustrating as the 2s can be, I do love the things they say and do at this age. So cute. And it continues to be cute at age 4 - just in a different way. We've been going to VBS at church this week, and I try to talk to Evan about his experience each day before he takes his nap. Today I was laying with him and asked about his favorite part of the day. I had seen his classmates riding a "ship" that appeared to be constructed out of a dolly and a giant cardboard box. And there was a paddle. So, I asked him if he liked riding the ship. Of course he did. Big fun. I asked him if he got to paddle. He says, "No. I'm a good paddler, but Ella didn't NEVER let me have a turn paddling [long pause for effect], but I never asked her to give me a turn."

1 comment:

Shay-Zee said...

Dinner was way fun. The sitter was worth it.