Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yesterday wasn't ALL bad

I have fully recovered from the Crab Incident of '10. My mom thinks perhaps I should have made an addendum to yesterday's post to let you know that I have admitted that deep down, I probably did know I shouldn't be eating that crab meat, but that is what I really wanted for lunch. I don't know if she wanted me to redeem myself for looking so dense or if she was afraid that it would reflect poorly on her mothering skills that I "missed that part of my food education," but there it is. I think I did know better. I was just testing. It was a stupid test.

All that aside, me and my rumbly tummy took Evan and Pressley and met Corin at Evan's basketball banquet last night. The church was to provide the meats (ham and chicken) and the parents were to bring sides. I took a giant pot of green beans since I figured there would be nothing else I could eat and I got really greasy fingers from trying to peel all the breading off my Chick-fil-A chicken strips. I don't recommend this method. It is messy and probably didn't do all that much good.

Has this post really been all about me so far?

It was supposed to be about Evan. And his basketball banquet. And how darn cute that kid is when he is wearing a jersey and he is so proud of himself. The banquet was for all 80 something of the K-1st kids, but after the dinner, we broke up into teams and each team had its own room to hand out trophies. (Thanks to whomever thought up this time-saving gem. We would have otherwise been there all night! As it was, we were out by 7:15. Surely a relief to the parents who have three kids in the program and will be there every night this week for banquets.) The coaches said some really nice things about Evan's improvement and skills when they presented him with his trophy. About how proud they were when he scored his first basket. And about how great he was during practice doing drills. And some other nice stuff.

And since my camera does appear to work in the trophy-handing-out-room (as opposed to the gym), I even have some pictures.

Waiting his turn.

Coach DeWitt and Coach King talking to Evan about his accomplishments.

Cute boy with his trophy.

One last "gator" cheer with his coaches and team mates. (Here's hoping this Tennessee Vol family won't have to endure another season of cheering for the Gators!)

Looking through the "yearbook" of his first basketball season.

So proud!

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