Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Evan!

Today is my sweet first-born's birthday. As I noted in my last entry, it is his 5th! His FIFTH! Since the trip to the lake was cancelled due to my Granny's hospitalization, we have been able to just chill today. Which is awesome. This morning, we decided to take in a family movie, so we saw an 11 o'clock showing of Night at the Museum. We ate popcorn during the movie, and then promptly followed it up with lunch at Chick-fil-A afterwards. Lunch was Evan's pick and he wanted to go somewhere with a playground. After lunch (and a sufficient amount of time on the CFA playground), we came home for naps (Pressley's and mine).

Corin woke me up to tell me that he was thinking of taking Evan to the pool and asking if he should wake Pressley. Pressley has not been getting sufficient naps lately because of all the birthday festivities, so I advised against this and told him I would bring her to the pool when she woke up if she wanted to go. Apparently, Evan did not hear this conversation and came in 5 minutes later to wake her up. She was a grump, but eventually turned it around in time to have fun at the pool. I was more than happy to skip the pool today to go to the grocery store. It has been unseasonably cool here lately, and our pool was undergoing some repairs and had no water in it until this past Thursday. The combination of those circumstances told me that the water would be too cold for my enjoyment. I did make a brief cameo at the pool to deliver the camera and tell Pressley that it is not ok to dive into the baby pool, which is only one foot deep. That child!
We are planning to make rice crispy treats after we grill hamburgers and cook up some baked beans (another Evan fave) for dinner. Evan had a rice crisy treat at school a week or so ago and acted as if it was the most novel invention he'd ever seen. I asked with astonishment if I had never made them for him before and he said no (which is, of course, true because I try to keep our home free of sweets for my own good; when they are here, I have zero willpower to resist them and have been known to sneak candy from a pumpkin or an Easter basket after bed time on occasion; so it is best not to bring them into the house). Apparently, this has been weighing on him ever since and he has insisted that making rice crispy treats would make his birthday just perfect.

Splashing under the mushroom in the "baby pool"

Jumping off the diving board

Pressley playing with her buddy, Cary

Enjoying birthday rice crispy treats ("Mommy, when you cut them, can you cut them much bigger than the ones we get at school?"

More photos under the May 09 link.

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