Monday, February 2, 2009

Nap nightmare

May I just complain for a second? Thanks.

Pressley is desperately trying to convince me that she no longer requires a nap. It is very frustrating. She is not even three yet and I'm certain - 100% - she is not ready to give up her nap. But every day, I put her down for a nap at 12:30. If she falls asleep, it isn't until sometime after 1:30, which means she is just getting into her good deep sleep when it is time to wake her up to go pick Evan up from school. On days like today, she doesn't go to sleep at all. She lays in her bed and plays until 1:45, at which point I might as well get her up because if she falls asleep that late, she will be really grumpy when I wake her up to pick Evan up. On days like today, she has to go back to bed for another shot at it after Evan gets home. So many things wrong with this scenario: a) She doesn't get to play with Evan; b) A nap that begins at 3 p.m. messes with night-time sleep; c) At 3:00, she is so over-tired, she is beside herself; d) This schedule gives me no down time. I always have a child awake and demanding things. I love my kids, but come on! Don't I deserve a little time to myself??

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