Monday, September 28, 2009


We had gymnastics this morning and Pressley had a grand ole time, as usual. Nothing really to report about that. But, you may have noticed in some of my previous posts that my baby girl is in desperate need of a haircut. So, on the way out of gymnastics, I called the kids' salon we go to in Decatur (Salon Red Kids) and asked if they could accommodate a walk-in. They could, so we headed on over, straight from gymnastics. And I didn't have any shorts or a skirt to put on P, so I just let her go in her leotard. Sans skirt.
When we walked in, they told me Natalie would be with us in a minute. I am usually not particular about who cuts my kids' hair, so I did not say "Hold the phone... Who the heck is Natalie and where is Shantay?" In retrospect, perhaps I should have. You see, Natalie asked Pressley if she wanted her to wash her hair or use the spray bottle. To my surprise (and, in retrospect, perhaps to Natalie's surprise as well), Pressley chose "wash it." So Natalie put her on two booster seats and tried valiantly to get a 3 year old to lean her head back into the sink bowl and keep it there. I decided to read my magazine and pretend I wasn't paying attention. When P started making a bit of a fuss, I walked over to try to help. Natalie soon finished washing and pulled little P's head out of the sink bowl. No squeezing out water first... just had her sit right up. And THAT was when Natalie realized for the first time that she didn't have a towel handy. Not only was one not handy, there was apparently not a towel to be had in the WHOLE salon. So I ended up standing there holding Pressley's wet, dripping hair in a ball while Natalie jogged three doors down the street to the big girl Salon Red. By the time she came back, I kid you not, the entire back of Pressley's leotard was saturated with water and the water was running down her bare legs (front and back) and into her shoes. Seriously. Natalie towel dried P's hair, but pretended not to notice she had soaked the child from head to toe.
Then she proceeded to do the slowest kid's haircut I have ever witnessed in my life. And I have witnessed some slow ones. Like the time Evan got his hair cut at big girl Salon Red by a girl who must have still been in cosmetology school and had clearly never cut a child's hair - ever. But Natalie takes the cake. She cut P's hair for a full hour. Luckily, P was in a reasonably agreeable mood since she had just come from gymnastics and Little Einsteins was on the t.v., but still. An hour? Seriously? And I only heard P ask once if she was almost done. An absolute picture of patience.
That is the end of my rant. In Natalie's defense, the hair cut is super cute. I told her a bob, which she apparently interpreted to mean "inverted bob", which P has never had before. But, despite the painfully long time it took to achieve it, it is very sassy little look. I'll let you be the judge:
First pose: Catwalk-pose-with-sucker-stick-in-mouth

Second pose: Catwalk-pose-with-sucker-by-side

Third pose: Just-so-you-can-see-it-from-the-back.

And yes, that is the same skirted leotard you've seen many times before. When we came home from the haircut, we had to immediately get out of the soaked leotard, so she opted to get right into the skirted one rather than waste time on putting on real clothes.
All of the gymnastics and hair cutting has apparently worn her out. As I type, she is still napping and has crossed the 3 hour mark. That NEVER happens.
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1 comment:

Betty Lou said...

Amy, these pictures on this post of Little Miss P look like Evan with a wig!! Oh my gosh! The haircut is super duper cute too!